Yet my uncle the photographer, the one with all of the expensive equipment would find every opportunity to take pictures that involved my cousins and I standing near dramatic scenery. How was it that I was always the one who ended up on the cliff side? It was always hard to find my way to a smile.
Even now, I can't walk up to the edge of a cliff without thinking that the sandy stone will give way. My imagination has me tumbling, down, down, down . . . even though, I'm fairly certain that's not meant to be a scene in my life.
I don't have the same experience when I reach a cliff of decision making.
Maybe it's the awe inspiring beauty of the world that sets me on my heels.
--me liz strauss, letting me be
Ah! But you haven't fallen.
You're right, Dr. John, and I don't plan to. :)
the view of the ocean from the cliff must be pretty awesome. :)
I am afraid of heights too. And I don't think falling was ever in your game plan. Look out, look up and drink in the view. Beautiful place to be after all, up high. :o)
Hi Dsnake!
The view is awesome and overwhelming at times. I have to remind myself it's one of abundance. :)
Hi Easy!
Falling isn't in my game plan, but I sure need support to stay up straight. :)
Scariest cliffs I've ever visited were the cliffs of Yesnaby on Orkney. I've uploaded a few photos so you can see them. The reason why they're scary is that they slope downwards and the wind often travels out towards the sea instead of inland. There have been cases of people being blown off them. Fortunately when we were there it was a lovely, calm sunny day!
As for a cliff of decision making - I always follow my heart and my instincts. They've not let me down so far!
Hi Amy!
I'd be not so good at a place where the wind blows out to sea. I think the earth is more powerful than I am -- always have.
My heart is strong. I'm with you on that.
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