“Aliens did NOT make the Gigantic Pink Bunny in the Italian mountains. Nor is it a gift from the gods,” proclaimed our valiant reporter, The 65th Crayon, from the scene of great controversy taking place earlier this week.
“I knew the minute I saw it. This is the work of human hands,” said The 65th Crayon, late Saturday afternoon during a satellite call. “But I had to get the facts before I could report it. This is more serious than crop circles,” he went on. “To construct this bunny required the work of dozens of grannies and hundreds of skeins of pink wooly yarn.”
The humans taking credit for the enormous stuffed creature are an artist-design group called Gelatin. The cotton-candy-colored bunny of their design now rests in the hills above the Village of Artesina, Piemonte, Italy. Gelatin is four artists who met at summercamp then later formed a company so that they could continue working and playing together. Gelatin has been exhibiting internationally since 1993.
“That bunny’s like Gulliver,” said one precocious little girl, who called herself Lillie Putian.
“I can see! I can see!” shouted a college man, who had been born with sight and never lost it.
The gigantic rabbit is 200 feet long on a hill that is 5,000 feet high. It is expected to stay there for 20 years—until 2025 at least.
“People are hugging this monstrosity,” sighed our sleuth, losing some of his bright color. “They haven’t seen the bunny’s face—the 30,000 foot view. He looks like he fell from the sky and died,” the reporter moaned. “Has anyone thought how that thing will smell in a week or two?”
“Does it take a crayon to draw them the big picture?” asked The 65th Crayon shaking his head.

—me strauss Letting me be
Gelatin and The Hesse/The Rabbit Press Release
The Cellar Site Pictures and Comments
Scribbles: Dietician Invents Chocolate Chip Cookies
Scribbles: An Interview with Mr. Potato Head
Scribbles: Now THAT’S a Yo-Yo!
Scribbles: Snow White Never Kissed
Scribbles Reports by The 65th Crayon appear Sundays in Letting me be ...
The 65th Crayon is a copyright of ME Strauss. All Rights Reserved.
Hehehe, nice one! That line "I can see! I can see!" shouted a college man, who had been born with sight and never lost it. reminds me of that trick you can play on a live audience, which works based on mental conditioning when responding to sound.
If you stand and say "we went for days and days with nothing but food and water", a large number of people will quickly exclaim "awww, that's terrible!".
Good, isn't it.
Apparently they got a load of grannies to knit it out of pink wool?
I wonder what they have treated it with, or whether it will mildew or grow grass as time goes on.
I know what happens to soft toys left out in the rain in our garden - slugs and woodlice!
Hi Eric,
Have you been introduced to the 65th Crayon? He'd like you I'm sure of it. You two have the same sense of humor as proved by your response.
I like that line about food and water, mind if I use it now and then?
I know--bugs, and creatures, and mildew, and all kinds of things--at first thinking of those things made me feel like I was turning into my mother. Then I realized I never liked those things.
I just think I would have chosen a different material--and a different look on the bunny's face.
But if you're going to ad space this sure got some.
Liz:>Have you been introduced to the 65th Crayon?
I don't think I've had the pleasure yet, though I've encountered that name several times. Is there a link, a blog somewhere?
Liz:>I like that line about food and water, mind if I use it now and then?
LOL, be my quest. I heard it from someone else myself :-)
Meet the 65th Crayon. He's my alter-ego. He's introduced in an article called "The 65th Crayon IS Out There" so that should tell you something. He reports every Sunday on some such. He has his own email if you have ideas. I'll have him drop by your site. He's like you.
And the 65th Crayon strikes again. Once again imparting unknown facts and a great sense of humor with me. And you wonder why I love him!
He's got a bit of a crush on you too.
Liz:>Meet the 65th Crayon. He's my alter-ego.
Ahaaa, the plot thickens! I'll check out that article.
Liz:>He has his own email if you have ideas.
I'll be sure to email, when I get some ideas (or better: when I need ideas!).
Liz:> I'll have him drop by your site. He's like you.
Excellent. I'd be very curious to see what deep discussions he can have with my alter ego: The Faceless One :)
If I didn't know better I'd think you were him, pretending to be Eric, while I was pretending to be you, while you were actually the Faceless one, perhaps pretending to be me.
LOL Liz, I couldn't have said it better myself!
I'm not totally sure what I said, or for that matter, whether it was me that said it.
I agree with the crayon, that is one scary sight. The only bunny you should trust is Bugs.
Okay, maybe it is just me, but I swear I type that word in right and it tells me I am wrong just so it can give me an even longer word that is so skewed that I can't tell if that is "vv" or "w".
You've got a point there, Ned.
Bugs is the only bunny who's never steered me wrong. And there's the great Bug's Bunny dance he did in the cartoon with the cannibals. . . .
The word verification kicks up a notch for you and me.
Aww I'm blushing. Maybe we could meet??
Send him an email. I'm sure the 65th Crayon would make time for you. But explaining him to your family might cause a problem.
Umm....I hadn't thought that far down the line...I can see the questions that would arise. I might be sent to the loony house :) But I always need I was a little crazy anyway!
Hi Jennifer,
As we said in high school, "We're all bozos on this bus."
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