Good friends are easy to keep and bad friends are easy to let go of.
But that . . .
Good habits are hard to keep and bad habits are hard to let go of.
Just when I get back in the habit of keeping in touch
with my friends, I have a habit of losing contact again.
Why does a bad habit
out perform the good habit
I was forming
of informing
my good friends?

Nice. Liz, you educated me, made me smile and marvel at your talent all at the same time.
What a rare gift that I am pleasantly surprised to receive with a heart full of gratitude that our paths have crossed.
What can I say, Tree?
What an unexpected, lovely compliment. I too am grateful that our paths have crossed. I feel that I have known you for a very long time.
Bad habits are just so easy and natural for us I suppose. Otherwise why would we have them at all, good habits are not really habits.
they are conditioned by training, and we do them so long we get comfortable with them and uncomfortable without them.
I was thinking of you just this morning.
What an interesting idea that good habits are just conditioning. It makes sense. Then bad habits would be lack of proper conditioning I guess.
Still I find it interesting that I can let my bad habits win when it comes to my good friends.
I noticed that. It always happens, you get close with someone and suddenly they seem to drift from you. And you wonder, is it because they lost interest? I can understand if they are busy but it seems sometimes like I am the one making the effort and not they, so in the end I don't care too. It's become a fact of life that people I really like never seem to bother about me and I never see them again for years, unless I call or email them. Sometimes that makes makes me perplex. Oh well, life goes on.
Few people in this world actually give me a surprise call or a just-say-hi email, those few are precious to me. As for the rest, I can't help but wonder sometimes if I really matter to them as much as they matter to me.
Oh Liz,
I'm so sorry. That's not it at all. I think that friendship for some of us is a feeling not an action. I have conversations with my friends in my head and they sustain me almost as if I have talked to them. I would still drop everything and fly around the world if one needed me.
I know how you feel. I've had those feelings that you describe. One minute you feel very close and the next minute you still see someone, but they seem to make no effort.
I think some people collect people like books and I have been the latest best seller. You have too.
rattle, rattle, rattle. clink!
You've just won a vacation for you and ALL of your friends on the ship planet earth for the rest of your lives!
Even if you can't see them all the time, since this ship is so big, you are really on the same cruise and are always with them, no matter where you are.
What a fabulous solution!
I assume you'll be with us?
I hope. I hope!
Liz, strange, but I too feel vaguely comfortable and familar with you that defies description. I need to ponder that feeling. Rest assured, it's a good feeling. :-)
I hear you Tree.
I hear you.
Hey Liz, no worries. Just being my occassional grumpy self. Being human. :)
Hey Liz,
No worries.
I like you every way you are.
You're intelligent and even when you think you're ranting you make really good points.
A lot of my bad habits are easier ways of doing something...usually a short cut to save time. It's hard to let go of those especailly when you feel like me that time is too precious to waste.
And then there are just the plain bad habits that just are. And if you ask me how to get rid of them I'll have no answer. :)
Good Morning.
Thanks Liz. I come to realise something else reading this again - the reason I felt this way, it's just that I miss them. BTW, this entry and conversation has given me an idea for a poem. :) Thanks again.
Good morning Jennifer,
Before I forget, did you catch the fact that I used to live seconds away from the kayaking factory in in Groton, MASS?
Yeah, my bad habits happen to be constructed to make my life easier for me too--at least many of them. Maybe THAT'S why I'm so fond of them.
That is what I value to highly about my conversations with you. We seem to move each other's thinking so easily into new and positive directions. I hardly ever talk to you here or via e-mail that I don't think of something worth posting about. I so value your thoughts and your friendhip.
You lived in Groton? That's like a hop skip and a jump from me (technically :)
I didn't even know there was a kayaking factory in Groton (of course I'm a 'new' resident of MA in some others say since I haven't lived here my whole life)
Hey Jennifer,
As they say in Maine, Ahyuh.
Margaret, left a comment on the 65th article about it. I do know I've seen kayaks on the Nashoba river there by the Groton Nursery.
Ironic huh!
Bad friends will self select. They will go away if you don't give them any attention.
Bad habits are much the same. My personal struggle with bad habits is a work in progress. I don't think I'll ever get rid of them - the best I can do is not over indulge them.
Hi Margaret,
Good point about bad friends. They do sort of disappear if you don't pay attention to them--except for the self-centered needy pink ones that is. They require surgery for removal It think.
Not overindulging bad habits is a smart way to put it. Keeping an eye on them, like children who can get out of hand seems to be a good outlook. It doesn't pressure the person into fighting and losing. There's room for getting better just a little bit at a time.
Of course, Liz. I'll be on the same ship as you. Didn't you know, we're on the same volleyball team!
Volleyball, Garnet,
What fun!
You and I on the same volleyball team. Now I'm really laughing!
That would be gravity free volleyball! I bet we're both good at that!
You are so right about that.
Nothing grounded about either one of us. I'm sure there are many who would attest to that statement as fact.
Groundlessness is my balloon. I'm in the red one. But everybody knows that.
What's your color? I bet I know.
My color is purple like my crayon and like the sky at certain times, and like wild violets when you don't pick them, because when you do they die.
smile. garnet goes my heart, red, deep and true for you.
I blush with color and go speechless. Many would say you've accomplished a great feat. They do not know of our abounding love. They are blind. I am violet velvet for the regal king.
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