The situation was such that I had to manage against my natural Myers-Briggs "P" preference to keep my options open. Publishing schedules and deadlines required that for success in my job. When I work against who I am naturally, I often exaggerate the quality I'm going for, so I ended up looking like a total "J." Things got done efficiently, but sometimes without the playful options that I usually bring to make the work fun.
Now, I publish for me. I'm thinking a little "J" might be a good thing. I'm out a schedule and a planner and building some confidence in my ability to make things happen again.
Think of the possibilities -- a whole horizon -- of what I'll get done.
It's whole new option for working in my PJs.
--me liz strauss, letting me be
I never did trust Meyers-Briggs. Do what works for you.
Hi Dr. John!
There all toys to me. :)
Fun to talk about like astrology. :)
Admit it... that whole post was a buildup for the final line. :)
Do you ever miss a bus?
Hi simplerich!
I don't know if it was. I could be. :)
Hi Tor!
If you see a bus and rather than run, decide to take the next one, does that mean you missed the first?
I don't know.
Ah, nothing beats working at home in PJs with cookies and iced tea...
Ah, but you have to mix a little of the P and J to make all things work now don't you? And yes...I believe you took the opportunity to come up with that last line.
Nice job that. :D
Hi Kirk!
Yeah, we do need both, don't we?
Hmmm. Does the means justify the end. :)
And all this time I thought P & J was a sandwich. Ah, so much for Meyers-Briggs. When I applied to the company I work for now, I had to take a test that measured what kind of personality I had. I'm not entirely convinced of how much merit I'd give it, though. Love the photo. I have a new URL for my site, thanks to Blogger's new beta switch.
Lol. PJ's. That's great! Good way of looking at it...
Hi Bungi!
I love that I made you laugh! :)
You say, "I don't have the same experience when I reach a cliff of decision making.", but whose fault is that?
Take the credit, take the blame, take a vacation day.
Hi Ron!
No complaining here! Just reporting the differences!
Wish you were coming to Chicago for the conference next week. :)
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