Like a flag waving in the wild breeze, I am flying. I don't worry. I don't fret. I am held to the support and yet, I can let the wind carry me -- every color that I am. Iam.
Every color that I am is floating in the wind. I am flying. Every color that I am is bouncing back again. I am flying. Were I to try to control it, I would only be fearful and falling.
I'm safe with my life. Every color that I am is vibrant and flying.
I have no beginning, no end. I am colors. I am safe. I am flying.
--me strauss Letting me be
Fun and whimsical post, Liz. I can hear the music and now you've got me humming and smiling.
Thank you, Dawn,
You are a gem and jewel to listen to what I write that way.
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