Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Pillow

Let me tell you about my very own pillow. It sits at the top of my bed near my book and waits for me all day long until I come back at night. It doesn’t move. It doesn’t complain or worry. It just waits until I show up in whatever state I’m in. Whether I’m delighted or filled with anxiety, even when I’m pressed flat with stress wondering why bad times have chosen me, my pillow is there waiting for me. It’s soft. It’s comforting. It’s mine alone. It’s the epitome of all I call home.

When I’ve been gone for days on end. My head can’t wait to make contact with my pillow again.

It’s an attachment I allow myself. Home isn’t where I hang my hat. It’s where I keep my pillow.
−me strauss Letting me be


Anonymous said...

Hi Liz
I never thought about how my pillow waits for me, but it is a very comforting thought. I often look forward to reconnecting with it at night. I think of it as that soft place to lay my head, that receives my head, at the end of the day, and welcomes being scrunched and plumped.

I recently spent a week in a place where the bed and pillow were from a previous century. Those days, sleep was something I did out of necessity, but there was no emotional attachment. Big difference there.

Anonymous said...

I think i agree. I'm quite attached to my pillow. I always love when I come home after being away. That first night back in my bed, with my pillow(s) (I Have two :)) is such a treat.

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Hi Dawn,
I think I first became friends with a corduroy pillow that used to hang out in our basement when I was in high school. I ended up taking it to college with me because I liked how it felt when I fubbed my hands on it --like rollerskating, you could still feel it when you stopped. :)

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Good morning Jennifer
Yeah, pillows have unconditional love down to an art form don't they. They are patience embodied. They never think that you are disloyal and never get jealous. We could learn a lot from them, I think.

Anonymous said...

Hi calling over from Blurt it. Great to have discovered your site, with best wishes, The Artist

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Thanks, Artist.
Great to see you again!