Sometimes I put my heart right out there. Tears form in my eyes. They gather first like drops on a rainy car window, then run fast down through my fingers onto the keys into cyberspace. Those drops are the feelings behind the words that refuse to be separated from what I’m saying. The feelings don’t want the words to stand alone, perhaps to be misunderstood. That’s brave of the feelings. I like that about them. I like that about me.
It’s never boring to write. It’s often trying, testing, and tiring. It’s also always worth getting up each morning to see what adventure I will find. It’s always good to go to bed. I’m always dead, brain-dead tired.
At night, though, at night is my own thinking time. When I think at night, I think about the stars. I think about life. I think about my life, your life, life in general. I think of how people treat people. I think about fairy tales and heroes. I wish there were more of those. I wonder why there isn’t more compassion. I wonder why I don’t do more, see more, learn more. I wonder why I don’t do less.
I think about the promise of a new day tomorrow and a good sleep tonight. Before I sleep at night, I think of how the dark sky is like a blanket over the whole world.
I think of all the children who have no one to tuck them in at night. I ask the sky to tuck them in, and the stars to watch over them.
I wish them all good-night.
One little tear finds its way down to my cheek like rain down a car window, to my pillow.
I blow gently on it so the air can carry it with my feelings to them.
−me strauss Letting me be
A Good night to you too, Ms. Liz
Hello, sweet taorist,
How nice of you to bid me a good night. Hope all is well with you and your beautiful blog.
when I tell people I think (like you) they tell me I think too much and try to push meditative time-out but the observations seem less rather than more appreciative. What you put into your writing expands craft with heART - thanks
thank you Nathaniel,
For saviing your best words for me.
Hi Braford,
Good to see you again.
I'm not sure what brough me to last night's writing. I juse felt that the words had to be written.
I've read this post twice and think I will read it a third time. I'm intriqued by this concept of separation. I need to explore the gap a little more, to ask why and where this separation comes from. Somehow, that one word, that one concept makes me wonder why I fear it so.
Hi Tree,
My what an interesting response to this little writing. I hope you'll write more when you find out what it is that you see in this.
That was lovely. Tonight, I'm being tucked in by the sky.
Hi W. J.
So am I. Maybe we'll be looking at the same stars together.
My immediate reaction on seeing the photo was to think about a recent story in the local news: kids were using aluminum baseball bats to kill homeless men.
Little monsters!
Oh E!
What a sad thing to have to remember. I'm sorry that photo made you recall that. It's not a happy photo to begin with.
Ah, but what would writers be without the backdrop of stars illuminating ideas to come. Thus nights for me are always welcomed. When I settle in, I usually have one or two books, and a yellow note pad. For me it's a good way to wind down and wake up refreshed.
Sweet dreams. . .
Oh Scot,
What a lovely comment and a lovely thought. Thank you for that. I'm just going to sit here and enjoy it fot a while. :)
Sweet dreams . . . two very nice words.
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