Thursday, August 30, 2007

That Line No One Should Be Crossing

I don't know when I discovered it. Most people have never seen it.

A few folks suspect it's there. That line no one should be crossing.

Don't cross that line, please. I didn't draw it there.

But that line is me and I'll make sure that you stay where you should be.

Some folks have said to me they suspect the line exists.

Most of the time I wonder whether I've only imagined it.

Not today. No not today. You made the line light up and shine.

Don't cross the line, please. I didn't draw it there.

But that line is me.

That line is me.

Few folks suspect it's there. That line no one should be crossing.
--me strauss Letting me strauss


Anonymous said...

I think there are lines criss-crossing the planet, much like the photo in your previous post. They represent each person on the planet. All of us have lines, boundaries, that cry out to be respected. As long as they are, the lines remain hidden, invisible often to both owner and bypasser. But when someone comes too close, it's as if a silent alarm goes off & everyone within a certain radius hears it.

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Hi Dawn!
The lines I see are close to our hearts. The hold us inside them. Yes. like boundaries that cry out for respect. I like how you say that they stay invisible -- maybe they don't even exist when they're not needed. Ah, but when someone who doesn't belong, who doesn't mean well comes near, the lines make themselves known.

It's a shock really sometimes to remember I have one.