Thursday, September 14, 2006

Colorful Windmills

Can you hear them? They’re calling me, telling me there’s a world of sunshine and colors . . . reds and yellow, and greens, and . . . blues.

Blue eyes, blue flowers, blue birds that fill bright blue skies have been waiting, waiting, waiting for me.

What am I doing inside thinking about things in shades of gray? Lavenders are sweetly whispering my name. Even the pinks, those shades I thought I didn’t like, light the sky by the corals both so patient with my thoughts. How could I not have feeling for them?

The softest prism of light is shining in past the blinds to say, “Stop. Open the windows of your mind. Let the colors blow through with the breeze.”

Colorful windmills are turning my view around to take in the whole world again.
−me strauss Letting me be


Anonymous said...

Hey Liz, this is just what I needed on a Thursday morning and the 5th consecutive gray rainy day. I seem to be so affected by the weather. My outer environment has a real pull on my inner environment.

Anyway, reading your post just now and looking at the photo you chose is like a breath of fresh and colorful air. Thanks.

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Hey, I'm smiling in a very big way. I needed to write it for the very same reasons and even more.

dsnake1 said...

ah, your little red friend is here again. :)

I would like to say your post brightens up my day, but it's night over here now, and a humid one at that. so Liz, your post brings a smile to my face after a day at work. thanks.

you are an optimist, i can tell. :)

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Hi Dsnake,
I'll just say that I needed to get my optimist back. :)