That’s what it said on the matchbooks for my dad’s saloon. I always thought that was special, and it spoke so much about my dad. It’s funny how something so small can impact a person’s life. It’s embedded deep in my philosophy.
Tonight I made plans to meet with a someone, attend a seminar, and share a room with her. We both said we must be stupid or real cool people. I knew I would go almost as soon as she asked−even before I talked on the phone with her. I already knew that we thought the same on most things. Then I found out that we are in the same industry, and that we actually have some experience in common.
You’re only a stranger, but once.
Then again, all of life is kind of that way.
−me strauss Letting me be
Sometimes you have to take chances to meet someone new and 'connect' ... but if you don't that experience may never present itself again. Once met, a person becomes a friend in varying degrees, but they can never be a stranger again. That is very comforting.
Man, where can I find a matchbook like that now... you walk into most places of business and you're lucky to get a smile.
I really wish those guys were still around.
I agree with Robert. Most days serving customers is right up there with cleaning the toilet. Well, that's the way it feels anyway.
Just curious, is that a pic of your Dad? Love the 'stache...
He could have worked at "Cheers"...
Yes Mama Mouse,
you are right about that. That person can never be a stranger again.
Hi Robert,
Yeah, My dad was a special one I think even then. The world has gotten too big and too small at the same time. Don't you think?
That's my dad when he was a young man. He was one of a kind.
Wonderful picture.
Vintage memories, I bet.
Yep, Michael,
Sure does bring back some memories. I was even short then. :)
I like the saying...
Take Care
Yeah, Michael, so do I.
My dad won't mind if you borrow it.
Thank you for sharing that. You know you hear things that you'll never remember and then you hear things that stay with you forever...this is one I'll remember and share with others forever.
You're Only a Stranger but Once...
So true!
Hi Jennifer,
What a nice thing to tell me . . . that you'll remember this forever. I'll always remember that you said that too. Isn't that cool.
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