I imagine things.
I wonder about things.
Sometimes I write pure feelings.
Sometimes I write because I feel lonely.
Sometimes I make up stories around what I'm feeling.
Sometimes I write because I want to tell someone something.
Sometimes I write because I need to express what I'm feeling or thinking.
Sometimes I write because I want to find out what I’m thinking or feeling.
—me strauss Letting me be
Yup, writing sets me a degree apart from what I feel or think, like having a counsellor refelcting my thoughts, but without the cost.
Very deep.
Thank you for that observation.
Sometimes it's the only way I can get to my thoughts.
yes to all the above about writing. I also write to see how the words giggle and clash, how they bump and cuddle and laugh together, making puddles of meaning in their paths...
nice blog.
What a great comment. I love the music of the language. I wish I had thought to include that.
Thank you, that is so cool.
I write to rise
I accepted the falls
Time to go beyond
Writing becomes a therapy of life
And adds to its beauty.
Thank you for your poetry.
Sometimes I write because I want to find out what I’m thinking or feeling.
For me, that's really the only reason.
Your fountain pen in the pic?
It's a Waterman Phileas...
I think I actually have one.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Thanks for a great night of reading.
later on,
You are a gift and an inspiration.
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